
POST 8: English Language Challenges

Hello everyone, first of all I would like to thank Miss Rosa for her dedication and kindness, always looking for the best way to explain things so that we can learn. Personally, the English language has always been difficult for me, I still can't say that I handle it perfectly, but I have learned a lot. Writing the blogs was a very enriching activity for my learning, because writing is an essential part to understand a language, being able to practice this frequently is very useful to become familiar with the words and to find the best ways to express our ideas. Also, the topics of each blog were very interesting. As I said, I still need to keep practicing and perfecting my knowledge of English. For example, expanding my vocabulary, improving pronunciation, speaking English fluently is still a challenge for me. To work on these aspects I propose to read texts in English, perhaps I could continue to frequently write things in English, and also something that always helps are films a

POST 7: Changes to my Study Program

 Hi! I study film and television, from the beginning I liked the way in which the study program of my career was organizated, even this was one of the reasons why I chose to study at this university. Anyway, with the passage of time and due to the topic of this blog, I have thought of some changes that could be made in different areas. First, I would like the university to give more relevance to the processes of exhibition of the works of its students, for example, it would be interesting to have a web page where short films or films are exhibited openly. On the other hand, I think it would be a good idea for the development of documentary projects to be taught before fiction projects in the curriculum. I think that pedagogically it can be enriching, since the documentary workshop allows us to explore and develop a point of view, more freely. I believe that both fiction and documentary are equally important, it is more than anything a question of the order in which they are taught. Ano

POST 6: Time Travel to the Future

Renato Vergara Hi! The truth is I am also a person who prefers to live in the present, I think the only reason I would travel to the future is out of curiosity. However, nowadays when talking about the future it seems to be something very sad, animals going extinct, a lot of pollution, water shortages and many other problems. Perhaps a trip to the future to see the problems our way of life has caused and then return to avoid it would save us from that fate, but that would only happen in a fiction. Being more optimistic, I would like to travel to the future and see a better society than the current one, which does not harm its environment. I think that what I would not like is to travel to the future to see myself, I prefer to stay with the doubt and live my life in a normal way, without anticipating anything. As I said, curiosity is the main reason why I would travel to the future, then I would look at everything, from the clothes that people wear, the means of transport, the music and

POST 5: My Future Job

 Hi! I study film and television and I would like to work mainly as a director of movies, documentaries, short films, series, etc. I would also like to be a scriptwriter for my projects, at least most of them. So it would be an indoor and outdoor job, because from the beginning of the film creation process I will have to develop the ideas to transform them into a script, and then all the pre-production, which is the preparation in all senses of the filming: how the film will be financed, who will work on it both actors and the technical team, where the film will be recorded, etc. The truth is that I have never imagined myself working in an office, I would not like to work that way permanently. However, I know that it is necessary to do a desk job to be able to make a movie. Finally I would like to travel through my work and visit different places in Chile or other countries to use as locations, and of course I would like to be able to show my work in many places. 

POST 4: My Favorite TV show

Renato Vergara Hi everyone,  I always have a hard time talking about my favorite things., because I have a hard time deciding, this time was not the exception. I thought about various TV shows such as Breaking bad, Years and Years, Fleabag or Malcolm in the Middle. But the TV show that I decided to talk about is a very well-known one (and that I actually watched on TV) it is called The Simpsons, it is a cartoon comedy about an American family, its first episode was in 1989 and it has already been on for 33 seasons, although the quality of the first one in terms of stories exceeds the most current seasons. Although there are many characters that appear repeatedly, the main characters are the members of the family. Homer, the father, who works in a nuclear plant, constantly drinks beer and watches a lot of television, he is a somewhat lazy, angry and unintelligent character, but also in many moments he has shown to have a great heart. Marge, the mother of the family, she is a housewife,

POST 3: A person I would like to meet

Renato Vergara      Hi! I don't think I had thought about famous people I would like to meet before, I am not someone who becomes a fan of them, but I will talk about people whose work I have liked, for example the comedian Felipe Avello, I have been watching his videos, his presentations, listening to the shows he's been on for quite some time, I think he is a person who, in addition to being funny, is interesting and it would be a great opportunity to meet him and talk with him.      Another person I can think of is Pedro Almodóvar, a Spanish film director, of which I have seen several films and interviews, I think he is an interesting person and I would mainly like to know his way of working and making films, seeing him direct a movie should be a great learning experience.

POST 2: Songs and Memories

 Renato Vergara Hi! when I read the topic that we had to write about in this blog I thought it would be easy to find a story to tell, but honestly it took me a while to remember something, maybe it's because several of the songs that I relate to some events or memories are not the ones I listen to every day. One of the songs that I thought of, is one that probably many of us had to play on an instrument in our childhood, it's called "Little star, where are you?" this song makes me remember that as a child, for some reason that I don't remember I wanted to have a violin, my parents gave me one as a gift and I started going to classes every Saturday, the truth is that I wasn't good at playing the violin but it entertained me, at the end of the workshop we did a presentation in which I had to play this song. I also remember a summer when I was about 13 years old, with my family we went on vacation to the south of Chile, to Villarrica, in the car there was a pendr